Tech News Flash: Wednesday -- July 11, 2012
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Headline Scan
Smart Headlights Create Fair-Weather Visibility in Rain and Snow
Will the Real Higgs Boson Please Stand Up?
SF Won't be Picking Apples
Wikipedia Says 'Nyet' to Russian Web Restrictions
GanttProject Packs Prodigious Planning Power
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Making IT Problems Solve Themselves (48:53 minutes)
Data centers are being tasked with supporting huge and fast-growing
amounts of data and doing it all with utmost efficiency. Enterprises
must move now toward proactive types of support in order to continue
ongoing improvement and to maintain systems. This calls for new
approaches to data center support, remote support and support automation.
Today's Story Highlights
Smart Headlights Create Fair-Weather Visibility in Rain and Snow
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute have
announced a smart headlight system that could improve visibility for
drivers of automobiles in bad weather. The system uses cameras and a
processor to predict the path of raindrops and snowflakes in front of an
automobile and redirect headlight beams to shine between those
Will the Real Higgs Boson Please Stand Up?
The search for the elusive Higgs boson continues as scientists analyze
the data from two recent experiments conducted at CERN, the European
organization for nuclear research. On Tuesday, scientists raised the
possibility that the data might indicate that the particle they observed
was a Higgs impostor.
SF Won't be Picking Apples
Apple's withdrawal of its computers from the EPEAT registry is having
ripple effects, including the loss of business from the city and county
of San Francisco. Lke many governmental agencies, businesses and
universities, San Francisco requires that its computer equipment be on
the EPEAT registry. "Apple's decision has caught us off guard a bit,"
said Jon Walton, the city's chief information officer.
Wikipedia Says 'Nyet' to Russian Web Restrictions
Today in international tech news: Wikipedia is among those to protest a
proposed Russian censorship law; Starbucks launches its Android payment
app abroad; Kim Dotcom reaches out to U.S. officials via Twitter; and
Apple announces the July 20 release of the new iPad in China, a move
that has people speculating about potential profits and, if history
repeats itself, potential fights at Apple stores.
GanttProject Packs Prodigious Planning Power
GanttProject is an impressive project management tool that can be a
useful alternative to similar applications locked onto other OS
platforms. For enterprise and small-business users, GanttProject's
cross-platform access and easy data portability make it a winning choice
for Linux users.
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