Tech News Flash: Wednesday -- August 17, 2011
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Headline Scan
Is the HP TouchPad Untouchable?
Fusion Garage Tries, Tries Again With Grid-10 Tablet
Fighting the Good Fight: Q&A With Mikko Hypponen, Part 1
PartedMagic: A Swiss Army Knife for Hard Drive Resuscitation
The Google+ Gaming Gold Rush
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A Standard Is Born (29:23 minutes)
Open Automated Compliance Expert Markup Language is built to automate
security and save costs. "If you think about PCI DSS, it defines pretty
tightly what your cardholder data environment consists of," said The
Open Group's Jim Hietala. "In terms of O-ACEML, it could be networking
devices, servers, storage equipment, or any sort of IT device."
Today's Story Highlights
Is the HP TouchPad Untouchable?
Battered by repeated price cuts and reportedly sluggish sales, it looks
as if the HP TouchPad tablet is struggling in the market less than two
months after it first hit retail shelves in July. The Best Buy retail
chain reportedly sold only 25,000 of the 270,000 units it ordered. The
retailer apparently refuses to pay for its unsold inventory of TouchPads
and demands that HP take them back.
Fusion Garage Tries, Tries Again With Grid-10 Tablet
Fusion Garage threw a new tablet into the mix Tuesday when it announced
the debut of the Grid-10, a tablet computer that features a new twist on
the Android operating system, a dramatic gesture-based interface and
predictive intelligence. It's not Fusion Garage's first foray into the
tablet market.
Fighting the Good Fight: Q&A With Mikko Hypponen, Part 1
It was once the case that computer viruses and other malicious software
were written primarily by hobbyist hackers. Their motivations, for the
most part, were simply bragging rights and the respect of their peers --
desirable rewards, to be sure, but certainly not the sole focus of any
career. The results of their efforts, meanwhile, could spread only as
fast as a floppy disk could travel. How things have changed.
PartedMagic: A Swiss Army Knife for Hard Drive Resuscitation
I started out looking for a handy disk partitioning tool to repair a
colleague's ailing computer. I ended up finding a toolbox full of very
handy repair and system maintenance apps. As a bonus, I got all of this
packed into a nifty specialized Linux distro called "PartedMagic" that
boots into RAM from a CD or USB drive.
The Google+ Gaming Gold Rush
Technology analyst Scott Steinberg answers a viewer's question about
Google+'s foray into social games: Is it really going to give Facebook a
run for its money? In the short term, the answer is no. There are about
25 million users on Google+ versus roughly 750 million on Facebook, so
when it comes to making money, there's really no contest between the
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