Tech News Flash: Monday -- June 20, 2011
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Headline Scan
Hackers Hacking Hackers: LulzSec Vows Revenge for Sega Attacks
Plunderous Malware Makes Off With Bags of BitCoins
Will Facebook Finally Play the Tablet Game?
HP vs. Oracle: A Perspective on an Ugly Divorce
Adobe Cuts Off Linux's AIR - 'and Nothing of Value Was Lost'
Fotopedia's National Park Images Will Leave You Spellbound
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And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Lulz (14:52 minutes)
In this episode: LulzSec wreaks havoc on the Internet, hacking, leaking
and pwning its way to notoriety; Facebook reportedly musters an army of
Spartan Web apps to do gory battle with Apple on the beaches of iOS,
Apple puts action behind words by petitioning a judge to allow it to
take sides with devs against patent owner Lodsys; privacy groups
complain to the FTC about Facebook's facial recognition technology; the
U.S. State Department acknowledges a program to build portable Internet
stations to deploy in political hot zones.
Today's Story Highlights
Hackers Hacking Hackers: LulzSec Vows Revenge for Sega Attacks
The hacker community appears to be divided over a break-in suffered last
week by Sega's database. The hack reportedly led to the theft of the
emails, addresses, dates of birth and encrypted passwords of about 1.3
million members of the Sega Pass online network. This led hacker group
LulzSec, whose victims range from Sony to the FBI and the CIA, to
threaten retribution against the culprits.
Plunderous Malware Makes Off With Bags of BitCoins
A new malware attack aimed at stealing BitCoin wallets is on the loose,
according to information released by security firm Symantec. The attack
has led to reports of at least one theft amounting to approximately
$500,000. BitCoins are a form of virtual currency. The relatively
unregulated method of trading that appeals to so many users comes with a
Will Facebook Finally Play the Tablet Game?
Fact #1: Facebook's iPhone app is one of that platform's all-time most
popular applications. Fact #2: Apple's iPad has been on the market for
well over year. Why, then, does Facebook still have no native app
specifically built for the Apple tablet? Perhaps that's soon to change.
Reports emerged Friday that Facebook is indeed working on an iPad app.
HP vs. Oracle: A Perspective on an Ugly Divorce
I know a lot of folks are struggling with what is going on between HP
and Oracle, and I think I have an analogy that works. Imagine, if you
will, what appears to be the perfect couple. They like similar things,
and they each have skills that complement the other's. In other words,
they are more than a couple. They are a team.
Adobe Cuts Off Linux's AIR - 'and Nothing of Value Was Lost'
Well it's been another scorching few days here in the Linux blogosphere,
where summer appears to have set spring on fire and kicked it out the
back door. It's no wonder tempers are running hot, but the latest news
from the gang over at Adobe has done nothing to help. "We will no longer
be releasing our own versions of Adobe AIR and the AIR SDK for desktop
Linux," wrote Adobe blogger Mark Hopper last Tuesday.
Fotopedia's National Park Images Will Leave You Spellbound
Last week I reviewed National Park Maps HD, an excellent app that offers
trail and guide maps to 15 of the most popular U.S. National Parks. If
there's one thing more I wanted in that app, it was photos of some of
the cool sights available, like the Grand Tetons at dusk. As Apple says,
though, there's an app for that, too, and oh boy, is it ever a gorgeous,
joyful delight.
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