Tech News Flash: Friday -- June 17, 2011
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Headline Scan
DARPA Builds Cyberwarfare Proving Ground
Google's Next Nexus: Straight Android, No Chaser
Keeping the Desktop Dream Alive: Q&A With Jim Zemlin, Part 1
Will WebKit Be iOS' Achilles' Heel?
At 100, IBM Still Wants to Change the World
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And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Lulz (14:52 minutes)
In this episode: LulzSec wreaks havoc on the Internet, hacking, leaking
and pwning its way to notoriety; Facebook reportedly musters an army of
Spartan Web apps to do gory battle with Apple on the beaches of iOS,
Apple puts action behind words by petitioning a judge to allow it to
take sides with devs against patent owner Lodsys; privacy groups
complain to the FTC about Facebook's facial recognition technology; the
U.S. State Department acknowledges a program to build portable Internet
stations to deploy in political hot zones.
Today's Story Highlights
DARPA Builds Cyberwarfare Proving Ground
News of two cybersecurity efforts undertaken by the United States
government surfaced Friday. One is the Defense Industrial Base Cyber
Pilot, in which the U.S. Department of Defense, partnering with the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security, will share classified threat
information and the knowledge of how to use that with participating
members of the U.S. defense industry.
Google's Next Nexus: Straight Android, No Chaser
Google's soon-to-be-released Nexus 4G smartphone is going to have a
dual-core processor, a very large screen, and high-definition video
capture capabilities, according to a post on Boy Genius Report. It's not
yet clear whether Google will offer the device under its own brand or
will work closely with a device maker to create a flagship device the
way it did with the Motorola Droid.
Keeping the Desktop Dream Alive: Q&A With Jim Zemlin, Part 1
In 2007, Linux was heralded as the desktop of the future. However, the
history of Linux on the desktop has been a story of strong support from
a relatively small group of diehards but little real impact on the
market as a whole. And by last year, there was even talk that the dream
of the Linux desktop had been shattered. Why is Linux not doing so well
on front-end desktops and on laptops?
Will WebKit Be iOS' Achilles' Heel?
Apple recently issued a new beta version of its forthcoming Mac OS X
10.6.8 update to developers, reported to contain fixes for the Mac
Defender malware and its variants. Cupertino and the Mac Defender clan
have been trading shots since May, with the authors of the malware
circumventing Apple's efforts to stomp out their attacks.
At 100, IBM Still Wants to Change the World
On Thursday, IBM rang the opening bell of the New York Stock Exchange in
celebration of 100 years since its founding. The company evolved from a
pre-World War I alliance of firms manufacturing tabulating machines and
clocks into a global computer giant that helped to usher in the modern
age. IBM boasts an impressive number of patents and has improved many
technologies over the years.
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