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Friday, 15 August 2014

Tech News Flash

Tech News Flash: Friday -- August 15, 2014

TechNewsWorld -- All Tech - All The Time
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
Twitter to Review Toothless Policies on Cyberharrassment
Apple Lays Down Law on Toxic Chemical Use
OpenMandriva Lx: Not the KDE You Knew
If the Internet Could Speak: 'I'm Melting! Melting!'
The Pain of an Apple Enthusiast: When Will I Be Wowed?
Snowden Blows NSA's MonsterMind
Galaxy Alpha: Samsung Puts Pedal to Metal

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Today's Story Highlights

Twitter to Review Toothless Policies on Cyberharrassment
A deluge of hateful tweets after the suicide of actor Robin Williams
earlier this week forced his daughter Zelda to publicly quit Twitter and
Instagram. "We will not tolerate abuse of this nature on Twitter," Del
Harvey, the company's vice president of trust and safety, said in a
prepared statement. Twitter has suspended "a number of accounts related
to this issue for violating our rules."

Apple Lays Down Law on Toxic Chemical Use
Apple on Thursday reiterated its commitment to safe working conditions
in its supply chain, and announced stricter rules for the use of benzene
and n-hexane, two toxic chemicals. It also published its Regulated
Substances Specification, pointing out that it sets occupational
exposure limits for the two toxic chemicals that follow standards
bodies' recommendations.

OpenMandriva Lx: Not the KDE You Knew
OpenMandriva Lx 2014 is a KDE-only Linux distribution that has some
rough edges but is otherwise a solid and reliable choice for user-
friendly computing. This latest version, dubbed "Phosphorus," is based
on the Mandriva Linux project and ROSA, a Russian Linux distro. ROSA
forked from Mandriva Linux in 2012. It integrated many of Mandriva's
original tools and utilities with its own enhancements.

If the Internet Could Speak: 'I'm Melting! Melting!'
Millions of users were unable to access the Web Tuesday, according to
reports. The websites of eBay, Amazon, Autotrader, LinkedIn, Time Warner
and Verizon were among those hit. The problem is due to a combination of
factors: router configuration; the explosive growth of connected
devices; and IPv4 running out of addresses. "The industry faces many
limitations," said tech analyst Rob Enderle.

The Pain of an Apple Enthusiast: When Will I Be Wowed?
Apple is firing on all cylinders. The company is excelling in so many
ways, it's hard to keep track of it all. It's building an amazing new
"spaceship" headquarters. It's building solar farms to power its data
centers. It's cleaning up its supply chain, both environmentally and
through better labor practices. Apple produces the best-selling MacBook
Air and MacBook Pro with Retina display.

Snowden Blows NSA's MonsterMind
The NSA is working on a new program codenamed "MonsterMind" that will
automate the monitoring of traffic patterns on the Internet to look for
attacks, whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed. When it detects an
attack, MonsterMind will automatically block it from entering the U.S.
cyberinfrastructure. It also will automatically fire back at the server
from which the attack was launched.

Galaxy Alpha: Samsung Puts Pedal to Metal
Samsung has unveiled its long-awaited Galaxy Alpha smartphone featuring
a metal frame and a 4.7-inch HD Super AMOLED display. "We have taken a
new approach to smartphone design with the Galaxy Alpha, focusing on
sophisticated design techniques and compact construction, while building
upon the Galaxy experience," said Samsung spokesperson Ashley Gregory.

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