Tech News Flash: Monday -- November 14, 2011
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Headline Scan
Google Dabbles in Dream Tech in Hush-Hush X Lab
A Real-World Approach to Improving Security in the Cloud
Volt Fire Puts Lithium-Ion Batteries Under Safety Spotlight
Life in a Post-Siri World
Will a Spoonful of Mint Help the GNOME 3 Go Down?
Flow: A Handy App for Viewing the World Through an Amazonian Lens
Fuzzy Signals for Internet TV
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Tempering the Supply Chain With Dynamic Discounting (33:33 minutes)
In a long-term slack economy, finding new business efficiencies is
difficult. Strategies for tightening up the supply chain can go a long
way. "Dynamic discounting is really a win-win," said Ariba's Drew
Hofler. "There is value to both sides [of purchasing relationships], and
it's not just one imposing their will on the other in order to make
their company better at the expense of the other."
Today's Story Highlights
Google Dabbles in Dream Tech in Hush-Hush X Lab
Google scientists are laboring away on futuristic projects in a top-
secret lab somewhere in the San Francisco Bay Area, The New York Times
claims. This lab, which is apparently so hush-hush that few Googlers
even knew it existed prior to the report, is allegedly called "Google
X." More than 100 futuristic projects are said to be under way there.
A Real-World Approach to Improving Security in the Cloud
Everybody knows that the cloud -- in particular, the security of cloud
deployments -- is a huge pain point industry-wide. And as is the case
with any new endeavor with such broad-sweeping impact, there's no
shortage of well-meaning advice about how to secure it. But I confess to
finding much of that advice about cloud security somewhat frustrating.
Volt Fire Puts Lithium-Ion Batteries Under Safety Spotlight
A Chevy Volt that caught fire in the parking lot of a crash test site
has prompted a federal probe over the safety and protocol of handling
lithium-ion batteries that power electric vehicles. The investigation
will include automakers GM, Nissan, Ford and other manufacturers
planning to sell vehicles with lithium-ion batteries.
Life in a Post-Siri World
The current generation of smartphones is a bit of a kludge. They require
a lot of text entry, but most don't have keyboards. As a result, they
generally suck at it. Siri, Apple's new voice-command technology, points
the way to a future that is more like the past, where phones are good at
what phones have always been good at -- voice -- and typing may become,
at least on smartphones, a thing of the past.
Will a Spoonful of Mint Help the GNOME 3 Go Down?
If a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, as Mary Poppins once
sagely said, will a splash of Mint help users swallow GNOME 3? That,
indeed, appears to be the question of the day now that the Linux Mint
project has announced a hybrid desktop strategy for Linux Mint 12 that's
apparently designed to help ease users into the controversial new
Flow: A Handy App for Viewing the World Through an Amazonian Lens
While is rushing in headlong as a competitor in the tablet
space with its upcoming Kindle Fire, that hasn't stopped the company
from creating apps for Apple's iOS. More accurately,'s A9
Innovations has produced an app that uses a sort of augmented reality to
let you point your iPhone's camera at a consumer product, identify it,
and buy it.
Fuzzy Signals for Internet TV
It's hard to imagine how Logitech CEO Guerrino De Luca could have been
clearer, if a transcript of his recent remarks during an investor day
conference call is accurate. He called the implementation of his
company's Revue Google TV device a mistake "of a gigantic nature" that
cost Logitech dearly.
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