Tech News Flash: Friday -- November 11, 2011
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Headline Scan
Hackers Turn Up Heat on Steam Gaming Platform
iOS Update Fails to Silence Battery Complaints
FTC May Force Facebook to Ask Permission Rather Than Beg Forgiveness
What Did Apple Win With the Demise of Mobile Flash?
FriendCaster Pro: A Friendlier Facebook App
What BlackBerries May Come
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Tempering the Supply Chain With Dynamic Discounting (33:33 minutes)
In a long-term slack economy, finding new business efficiencies is
difficult. Strategies for tightening up the supply chain can go a long
way. "Dynamic discounting is really a win-win," said Ariba's Drew
Hofler. "There is value to both sides [of purchasing relationships], and
it's not just one imposing their will on the other in order to make
their company better at the expense of the other."
Today's Story Highlights
Hackers Turn Up Heat on Steam Gaming Platform
Up to 35 million gamers with accounts on Steam, the multiplayer and
digital games distribution platform developed by Valve, may be at risk
following a breach of its database. Information in the database included
usernames, passwords, data on members' game purchases, and members'
email and billing addresses and encrypted credit card information, Valve
said on Thursday.
iOS Update Fails to Silence Battery Complaints
Apple on Thursday pushed out iOS 5.0.1, an iPhone operating system
update designed to address problems some iPhone 4S users had reported
regarding the device's quickly draining battery. However, the update
apparently did not solve the battery-drain issues for everyone,
according to many posts on the company's own support forum.
FTC May Force Facebook to Ask Permission Rather Than Beg Forgiveness
Nearly two years after consumer advocacy groups filed a complaint with
the U.S. Federal Trade Commission over Facebook's privacy policies, the
social network and the FTC are close to an agreement, according to a
recent report. The deal between the company and the commission will
reportedly require Facebook to enact widespread opt-in practices.
What Did Apple Win With the Demise of Mobile Flash?
Adobe's announcement this week that it was stopping further development
of its Flash player for mobile devices could create more winners than
losers in the cybersphere. One beneficiary of Adobe's decision, which
appears to have vindicated Apple's dogged stance not to support Flash on
its mobile devices, will be the latest version of the language for
creating Web pages, HTML 5.
FriendCaster Pro: A Friendlier Facebook App
Of Facebook's 800 million active users, more than 350 million of them
currently access Facebook through mobile devices, according to the
company. October saw Facebook's updated Messenger app, labeled 1.5,
rolling out to iOS, Android and BlackBerry with updated features,
including the ability to see when someone is typing, and verify that
they haven't fallen asleep.
What BlackBerries May Come
Research In Motion's upcoming next set of smartphones, which will run
its next-generation BBX operating system, will represent a departure
from the company's lonstanding design aesthetics, typified by the
BlackBerry Bold, according to a recent report. However, the upcoming
phones will still support BlackBerry's core enterprise email features.
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