Tech News Flash: Tuesday -- November 8, 2011
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Headline Scan
Could Siri Seriously Sting Google?
Dev Dumped After Laying Bare iOS Vulnerability
The Cybersecurity Money Pit
HTC Sparks OS Envy With Ice Cream Sandwich Upgrades
iPhone CPR: What to Do When Your Handset Goes Swimming
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Tempering the Supply Chain With Dynamic Discounting (33:33 minutes)
In a long-term slack economy, finding new business efficiencies is
difficult. Strategies for tightening up the supply chain can go a long
way. "Dynamic discounting is really a win-win," said Ariba's Drew
Hofler. "There is value to both sides [of purchasing relationships], and
it's not just one imposing their will on the other in order to make
their company better at the expense of the other."
Today's Story Highlights
Could Siri Seriously Sting Google?
Siri, the voice recognition technology on Apple's new iPhone 4S, has
attracted buyers by the millions with its ability to handle complex
search queries. Siri's personified as a somewhat sassy female personal
assistant, but at least one person finds her downright disturbing:
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt.
Dev Dumped After Laying Bare iOS Vulnerability
Apple has reportedly banned noted hacker Charlie Miller from its
developer program for a year, apparently in response to an app Miller
wrote on the iTunes App Store that exploits a zero-day vulnerability he
spotted in iOS. Miller did notify Apple of the flaw three weeks ago, the
developer tweeted.
The Cybersecurity Money Pit
Despite the hundreds of millions of dollars the U.S. federal government
spends on cybersecurity, it seems that shoestring-budget attackers are
still often able to get a foot in the door. At a security colloquium in
North Virginia on Monday, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
told reporters it's losing ground in the battle to secure cyberspace.
HTC Sparks OS Envy With Ice Cream Sandwich Upgrades
Users of eight HTC smartphones will be among the first to receive an
upgrade to Google's new Android Ice Cream Sandwich. The company
described the set of devices named as "the first wave" of HTC phones
that will receive upgrades, adding that "we're continuing to assess our
product portfolio, so stay tuned for more updates on device upgrades,
timing and other details about HTC and Ice Cream Sandwich."
iPhone CPR: What to Do When Your Handset Goes Swimming
My first impression of the iPhone 4S was that it does not perform well
in water, and the screen shatters easily, just like the iPhone 4. This
is unfortunate because I knew this to be true but decided to find out
the hard way on the morning of the phone's release. The original idea
was to break it in some sort of "launch" into the air.
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