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Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Tech News Flash

Tech News Flash: Wednesday -- November 2, 2011

TechNewsWorld -- All Tech - All The Time
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
Duqu Malware Marches Through Windows Kernel Flaw
New 'Server on a Chip' Aims to Lighten Up Cloud Hardware
Google Nips and Tucks at Gmail for Lighter Reading
Quantum Computers, Part 1: A Simple Understanding
Cheese Goes Great With Webcam Hams
Hackers Wreak Havoc on Palestinian Internet Services

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Desperately Seeking Data Management (22:39 minutes)
In the world of information management, project collapse is common,
whether it's because of cost, process or the people running the show.
The information architect "has to be a team player, working closely with
technology, because more and more information will be not just
machine-readable, but machine-processable and interpretable," said Build
The Vision's Robert Weisman.

Today's Story Highlights

Duqu Malware Marches Through Windows Kernel Flaw
The Duqu malware that became widely known last month is exploiting a
zero-day vulnerability in the Windows kernel to infect systems,
according to the Hungarian group CrySyS. An installer file for the
Trojan was previously unknown, but now CrySyS and security firm Symantec
are reporting that the main Duqu binaries are released onto a targeted
system when a Word file containing the malware is opened.

New 'Server on a Chip' Aims to Lighten Up Cloud Hardware
While the image that the high-tech industry has adopted for the source
of services delivered over a remote network -- the cloud -- conjures
thoughts of airy skies where quasi-magical things happen, the actual
cloud is firmly anchored to the ground in data centers bristling with
computer servers. As the cloud continues to expand, so does the demand
for servers.

Google Nips and Tucks at Gmail for Lighter Reading
Google is rolling out a revamped Gmail, as it indicated it would earlier
this year. Users can opt to use the new look immediately by clicking on
the switch icon on the bottom-right corner of the Gmail page. The core
changes focus on better readability and as well as stepped-up search

Quantum Computers, Part 1: A Simple Understanding
The goings-on of the quantum world elude our sight and, for a lot of us,
our understanding. But you don't need an Einsteinian grasp of physics to
see that the quantum world is playing a bigger and bigger role in modern
technology. Be it the researcher in Denmark controlling atoms with
lasers or the company already building quantum computers, the quantum
world has begun its migration from theory to technology.

Cheese Goes Great With Webcam Hams
Cheese is a nifty little application that makes it easy to use your
computer's built-in -- or plugged-in -- webcam to take photos and
videos. Given today's penchant for populating social media with photo
journals, Cheese can be one of your must-have Linux tools.

Hackers Wreak Havoc on Palestinian Internet Services
Hackers reportedly shut down Internet service in Palestine Tuesday.
Service was apparently completely shut down in Gaza and partially shut
down in the West Bank after hackers unleashed malware on the main ISP in
Palestine, Paltel. The Palestinians have alleged that a nation-state
could be behind the attacks.

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