Tech News Flash: Thursday -- November 3, 2011
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Headline Scan
Quantum Computers, Part 2: Zeros and Ones, Both and Neither
Apple on iPhone 4S Battery Blues: Help Is on the Way
NASA Researchers Aim to Reel In Tractor Beam Tech
One More Time: Is It Really 'Game Over' for Linux?
Apple's Poorly Picked Battle
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Desperately Seeking Data Management (22:39 minutes)
In the world of information management, project collapse is common,
whether it's because of cost, process or the people running the show.
The information architect "has to be a team player, working closely with
technology, because more and more information will be not just
machine-readable, but machine-processable and interpretable," said Build
The Vision's Robert Weisman.
Today's Story Highlights
Quantum Computers, Part 2: Zeros and Ones, Both and Neither
Comparing an atom to a coin is like comparing a human heart to a
repeatedly clinching fist. The analogy is woefully simplistic in
relation to what is actually going on. But someone with a layman's
understanding of the human body is unlikely to grasp the nuances of the
human heart. Similarly, someone whose understanding of physics is
derived from high school science class is unlikely to grasp the quantum
Apple on iPhone 4S Battery Blues: Help Is on the Way
Apple confirmed Wednesday that the decreased battery life in the iPhone
4S that some users have been complaining about since the phone's debut
last month is due to a bug in the iOS 5 operating system. The company
plans to send out a software update shortly to correct the problem.
NASA Researchers Aim to Reel In Tractor Beam Tech
Any science fiction fan or Trekkie knows what tractor beams are -- those
beams that pull objects toward the device that generates them, sort of
like an invisible fishing line and reel. NASA believes enough in the
possibility of creating real tractor beams that it's provided a $100,000
grant to researchers at its Goddard Space Flight Center to look into the
One More Time: Is It Really 'Game Over' for Linux?
Every so often here in the Linux blogosphere, a headline pops up in the
news and you just know it's going to be a rough week. Case in point:
"Mobile Proliferation Killed Linux Hopes for World Domination." Yes, for
those who missed it, that was a real headline in the news last week,
courtesy of Forrester analyst Mike Gualtieri, and yes, it's made more
than a few bloggers' blood pressure rise.
Apple's Poorly Picked Battle
g on each other over looks and patent issues -- lawsuits in which one
company claims the other is copying its design in one way or another --
a small Spanish tablet maker, Nuevas Tecnologias y Energias Catala, aka
"NT-K," has won a court case with Apple in Spain. Why is this important
to Apple lovers? So far, as near as I can tell, Apple may have been
acting like a big, nasty corporation without a lot of judgment here.
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