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Thursday, 29 September 2011

Tech News Flash

Tech News Flash: Thursday -- September 29, 2011

TechNewsWorld -- All Tech - All The Time
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
Motorola Tries to Reheat Xoom With 4G Boost
How to Turn a Nook Into a Great Android Tablet
Fire vs. iPad: Pick Your Garden
MeeGo Loses Its Last Friend as Intel Turns to Tizen
Samsung, Microsoft Deal Tugs at the Rug Under Google's Feet

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Make Room for the Enterprise App Store (25:27 minutes)
With mobile devices like smartphones and tablets in their hands at all
hours, workforces are becoming more mobile and more powerful. However,
those devices have also caused enterprise IT leaders much dread due to
the problems involved with supporting them all. Making room for an
enterprise app store may be part of a better mobile management strategy.

Today's Story Highlights

Motorola Tries to Reheat Xoom With 4G Boost
Motorola and Verizon Wireless on Wednesday got around to delivering
what's been promised to owners of the Xoom tablet for several months: 4G
LTE. When the Motorola Xoom first went on sale early in 2011, buyers
were told that they'd eventually be able to send their 3G-wireless-
equipped tablets to a workshop where they'd be upgraded with faster 4G
wireless hardware free of charge.

How to Turn a Nook Into a Great Android Tablet
Amazon's $199 tablet will be one of the first sub-$300 tablets with a
decent specification. However, if you can't wait until November, don't
necessarily want a book vendor's skin on your device, and haven't ponied
up for an iPad yet, you can get a solid base-Android tablet for around
$250 today -- or a lot less, if you already happen to have a Nook Color
7-inch e-reader.

Fire vs. iPad: Pick Your Garden
Starting at a mind-warping US$199, the new Amazon Kindle Fire tablet has
nailed a price point that the $249 Barnes & Noble Nook Color was only
able to flirt with. Put it this way: As a consumer-oriented device ready
to deliver e-books, movies, TV shows, apps, Web browsing and email, two
Kindle Fire tablets can be purchased for $100 less than the $499 Apple
iPad 2.

MeeGo Loses Its Last Friend as Intel Turns to Tizen
Months after losing support from handset maker Nokia, the MeeGo mobile
OS lost another major backer when Intel announced Wednesday it wouldn't
continue with the Linux-based operating system. Instead, Intel will
partner with Samsung to develop Tizen, a new open source Linux build.
Intel launched MeeGo in 2010 with partner Nokia, but soon afterward
Nokia turned away from MeeGo in favor of a deal with Microsoft.

Samsung, Microsoft Deal Tugs at the Rug Under Google's Feet
Microsoft and Samsung have signed an agreement to cross-license their
patent portfolios, providing broad coverage for each company's products.
Microsoft will receive royalties for Samsung's Android-powered mobile
phones, and the companies have agreed to focus on further development
and marketing of Windows-powered smartphones.

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