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Friday, 23 September 2011

Tech News Flash

Tech News Flash: Friday -- September 23, 2011

TechNewsWorld -- All Tech - All The Time
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
Speedy Neutrinos Could Turn Physics Universe Upside-Down
Facebook's Latest Work: One Too Many Facelifts?
Orb Live for Android: An Interesting, but Unsuccessful, Experiment
Looking to the Future, Facebook Digs Into Your Past
DoJ Ups the Ante on Full Tilt Poker With Ponzi Scheme Allegations

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The Board Giveth, the Board Taketh Away (14:08 minutes)
In this episode: HP's board of directors ousts Leo Apotheker less than
one year after naming him as the company's chief executive, putting
former eBay CEO Meg Whitman in his place; Facebook peppers its site with
changes, leading to yet another round of user outrage; Google Chairman
Eric Schmidt stands up to critics during a Senate antitrust hearing;
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings sends customers a note apologizing for the
company's recent price hike, then proceeds to announce yet another
drastic change in store for the online movie and DVD-by-mail company;
Sony sneaks a you-can't-sue-us clause into its latest PlayStation
Network ToS.

Today's Story Highlights

Speedy Neutrinos Could Turn Physics Universe Upside-Down
A multinational research team says it's found neutrinos that travel
faster than the speed of light. For the Opera neutrino experiment,
scientists basically shot a high-intensity, high-energy beam of muon
neutrinos from the CERN SPS accelerator in Geneva toward the LNGS
underground laboratory at Gran Sasso, Italy, 454 miles away. They
measured the speed at which the neutrinos traveled.

Facebook's Latest Work: One Too Many Facelifts?
Pity the Facebook user. The social networking giant's constantly making
changes to its website, forcing its subscribers into new usage habits.
Some of these changes, especially when they relate to privacy, have
triggered calls from privacy advocates for regulatory intervention and
led users to start organizing groups criticizing the alterations.

Orb Live for Android: An Interesting, but Unsuccessful, Experiment
Orb Network's media server software has been around for years; in fact,
Orb and TVersity are the grandparents of current media-everywhere apps.
However, this is the first time Orb has officially been available in an
app for Android phones. Orb functions by grabbing indexed media content
from your PC and streaming it via your ISP. A remote browser is used to
pick up the stream.

Looking to the Future, Facebook Digs Into Your Past
New developments announced by Facebook at its F8 Developer Conference in
San Francisco on Thursday might give the social networking king new
advantages over Google as the two battle for dominance. They may also
create a world of hurt for Apple. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced
Timeline, which lets subscribers store and display all their stories and
apps on their Facebook page.

DoJ Ups the Ante on Full Tilt Poker With Ponzi Scheme Allegations
The U.S. Department of Justice expanded its online gambling crackdown
Tuesday when it filed a civil suit against the owners of the website
Full Tilt Poker for defrauding thousands of members out of more than
$300 million in what it called a "global Ponzi scheme."

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