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Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Tech News Flash

Tech News Flash: Tuesday -- September 6, 2011

TechNewsWorld -- All Tech - All The Time
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
Researchers Rev Up Electric Nano-Motors
Scotland Yard Tightens the Pincers on Anonymous
Chronicles of Desktop Deaths Foretold
Speedtest Won't Fix Your Poky Connection, but It Sure Is Nice to Know
FSF's Star Turn in the Android FUDathon, Part 1
August Insanity: So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!
The School of Gaming
iCloud's Shadow on Security
VirtualBox: A Clean Sandbox for Your Linux Desktop

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The Wedding Crashers (14:27 minutes)
In this episode: AT&T's proposed buyout of T-Mobile is thrown into
disarray after the U.S. Department of Justice files a civil antitrust
suit to prevent the deal from happening; the outing of a WikiLeaks
encryption key may expose countless confidential sources involved in
last year's CableGate; a Google shareholder sues the company over its
Canadian drug ad foul-up; iTunes pulls TV show rentals; HP says it's
going to make one last production run of its defunct TouchPad tablet.

Today's Story Highlights

Researchers Rev Up Electric Nano-Motors
Researchers at Tufts University announced Sunday they've created an
electrical motor many thousands of times smaller than the width of a
single human hair, a breakthrough they claim could eventually lead to
innovations in healthcare and technology. The microscopic motor is the
size of a single molecule and is electrically charged.

Scotland Yard Tightens the Pincers on Anonymous
It's been another wild and crazy week for the security community.
Scotland Yard arrested two suspected members of Anonymous and LulzSec
Thursday. Meanwhile, the major players in the browser market -- Google,
Microsoft and the Mozilla Foundation -- have chopped Dutch certificate
DigiNotar off at the knees, apparently because it was slow to warn that
hackers had broken into its network and issued rogue SSL certificates.

Chronicles of Desktop Deaths Foretold
Now that September has arrived at last, life has taken on a different
tone here in the Northern reaches of the Linux blogosphere. After all,
just around the corner now are crisp and cool days, Halloween, and the
crunch of fallen leaves underfoot as nature prepares for its long winter
sleep. It's perhaps no great surprise, then, that many thoughts seem to
have turned to death and dying in this season of decay.

Speedtest Won't Fix Your Poky Connection, but It Sure Is Nice to Know
For the most part, I barely notice the incoming speed of my Internet
data connections on my iPhone 4 or iPad 2. Sure, if I want to download
something large, I make sure I'm on a WiFi connection. If I'm in a car,
I'll think twice about attempting to download a bunch of email out of
range of an AT&T 3G tower.

FSF's Star Turn in the Android FUDathon, Part 1
My first thought was that someone was engaging in click-bait journalism.
Even the title of the post -- "Android GPLv2 termination worries - one
more reason to upgrade to GPLv3" -- is something I would expect from
anti-Android trolls, not the Free Software Foundation. The conclusion at
the bottom of the article, that companies using Android should urge
Linux developers to switch to the GPLv3, is so bad it's not even wrong.

August Insanity: So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye!
We have crazy months from time to time, but August will likely go down
in history as one of the biggest tech news months of any year. From the
torpedoing of Android by Google, to the off-again, on-again TouchPad
sales, to the departure of Steve Jobs, to the slashing of Oracle's $1.3
billion settlement, to the... Well I'll get to all this in a moment, and
I'm sure we are all glad to look back at the insane month of August.

The School of Gaming
Ludology or narratology? These are the two generally accepted approaches
to thinking about games. Though not incompatible, these two branches of
knowledge nonetheless contend for pre-eminence among video game designer
priorities. The first emphasizes play, the second story. In literary
theory, narratology is the study of narrative structure.

iCloud's Shadow on Security
Apple's announcement of its upcoming iCloud service has sparked a flurry
of excitement in the industry. Some expect the iCloud will help Apple
keep customers closer to its bosom -- make them "stickier," in
analystspeak. Others think the iCloud will give a boost to cloud
computing. The iCloud will automate the backup and storage of data --
music, photos and what-have-you -- and make it easy to set up new

VirtualBox: A Clean Sandbox for Your Linux Desktop
Constantly testing software and tinkering with a variety of Linux
operating systems puts my multiple test-bench computers to constant use.
Granted, Linux comes with a lot fewer security risks. But dealing with
unknown factors and beta glitches can be time consuming to correct when
they take down an entire box.

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