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Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Tech News Flash

Tech News Flash: Tuesday -- March 5, 2019

TechNewsWorld -- All Tech - All The Time
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
Facebook's 2FA 'Security' Practices Violate User Privacy
EasyOS Teaches an Old Dog New Tricks
Michael Cohen and the Creation of a Deep Learning AI Lie Detector
Why Children Should Learn to Code
Google Taps ML to Boost Wind Farm Output

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Today's Story Highlights

Facebook's 2FA 'Security' Practices Violate User Privacy
Facebook has undermined privacy on its network by exposing mobile phone
numbers provided to secure user accounts through two-factor
authentication. That's because anyone can use the numbers to look up a
user's account. One doesn't even have to be a Facebook member to do so.
Moreover, there's no way to opt out of the setting, although it can be
limited to "friends" only.

EasyOS Teaches an Old Dog New Tricks
EasyOS is an experimental Linux distribution that either will renew your
passion for using something different or leave you disappointed in its
oddball approach to computing. EasyOS is a blend of the best ideas from
Puppy Linux and the now discontinued Quirky Linux. I have used several
of the popular Puppy Linux variants over the years. I adopted Quirky
Linux a few years ago as my go-to Linux distro on a USB stick.

Michael Cohen and the Creation of a Deep Learning AI Lie Detector
Like many of you I was fascinated by the Michael Cohen testimony last
week in what was more performance art than fact-finding. It tends to be
fascinating to watch disgruntled ex-employees testify, but they often
aren't the most reliable witnesses. The personal nature of their
termination tends to push them toward exaggeration, and many were fired
for legitimate reasons.

Why Children Should Learn to Code
Learning to code, regardless of the path a child chooses to take, is
crucial today. Research shows us that this knowledge will be important
in any career. As both a female leader in technology and a mother of a
10-year old boy, I am acutely aware of its critical importance in both
my professional and personal life. Coding is a necessary literacy in
this technological age.

Google Taps ML to Boost Wind Farm Output
Predicting the power output of wind farms has been challenging, but it's
becoming less so with the use of machine learning. Google and British AI
company DeepMind have been using ML algorithms to improve predictions of
the wind power output at Google's wind farms in the Midwest. The farms
use the algorithms to predict wind power output 36 hours ahead of

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