Tech News Flash: Thursday -- January 26, 2012
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Headline Scan
Symantec Tells Customers to Pull the Plug on pcAnywhere
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Slinging
Rumor Mill Buzzes With Shape - and Size - of iPhones to Come
FOSS' Factious Gender Divide
iOS and OS X: Time for Some Real Convergence
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Virtualization and the Always-On Education Environment (26:57 minutes)
Avon Community Schools in Avon, Ind., has been experimenting with
desktop virtualization, and it has recently embarked on a wider
deployment for this school year. "We're finding that we can get
applications out quicker with more quality control, as far as knowing
exactly what's going to happen inside of the VM when you run that
application," said Avon's Jason Lantz.
Today's Story Highlights
Symantec Tells Customers to Pull the Plug on pcAnywhere
Symantec is sounding the alarm for users of its pcAnywhere remote access
software following threats from a hacker. In some cases, said the
security software maker, they might want to turn off and disable the
application entirely.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Slinging
Slingbox lets you watch your television remotely. The Slingbox hardware
device captures the source image and audio at your home and squirts it
into the Internet. Proprietary software is used to replicate a
television-like experience on laptops or other devices like smartphones.
Rumor Mill Buzzes With Shape - and Size - of iPhones to Come
The iPhone 5 is headed toward production for a summer debut, according a
recent report. The information comes from an anonymous source:
apparently the same Foxconn employee who last fall accurately disclosed
that Apple was planning a revamped iPhone 4, the 4S, rather than the
iPhone 5.
FOSS' Factious Gender Divide
There's no denying that the FOSS community has many virtues, but gender
equality doesn't seem to be one of them. Gender-related issues and
tensions have plagued the FOSS world for as long as many of us can
remember, and the problem has already been picked apart on these pages
time, time and time again. Well guess what? It's still a problem.
iOS and OS X: Time for Some Real Convergence
Lately I've found myself more frequently irritated and dissatisfied with
my Mac than ever before. This is a weird feeling, made all the more
powerful by the fact that Mac OS X Lion is the most useful operating
system ever. With a simple two-fingered swipe on my Magic Mouse, I can
flick my entire screen to a whole new desktop view, and with a swipe in
the other direction, go back.
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