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Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Tech News Flash

Tech News Flash: Wednesday -- August 3, 2011

TechNewsWorld -- All Tech - All The Time
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
RIM Blazes Into Smartphone Market With New Torches, New Bolds
McAfee Smells a Rat
Field of Streams, Part 2
Jokosher: A Completely Kosher Audio Multitool
Blizzard Levels Up In-Game Sales With 'Diablo III' Auction House

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Integration, Rethought (36:28 minutes)
Thoroughly mixing integration into application services allows more
people to exploit and leverage integration without being integration
technology experts. It means that the applications providers are also
the integration providers. It also means the stand-alone integration
technology supplier business -- and those that buy from it -- are facing
a new reality.

Today's Story Highlights

RIM Blazes Into Smartphone Market With New Torches, New Bolds
Research In Motion announced five new smartphones based on its new
BlackBerry 7 operating system on Wednesday. AT&T, Sprint and U.S.
Cellular will all get new devices that maintain some of the feel of
earlier products while offering functionality competitive with the
leading smartphones on the market.

McAfee Smells a Rat
Security vendor McAfee has released information pertaining to a years-
long series of network intrusions and data theft incidents that the
company has collectively dubbed "Operation Shady RAT." The data stolen
falls into a broad range of categories: closely guarded national
secrets, negotiation plans and exploration details for new oil and gas
field auctions, legal contracts, design schematics, and more.

Field of Streams, Part 2
Anyone who has watched a sporting event on TV has heard something along
the lines of, "Any other use of this telecast or of any pictures,
descriptions, or accounts of the game without express written consent is
prohibited." The message is relatively simple: This broadcast is a
product, our product, and we are the only people allowed to show it. (We
did, after all, and pay a pretty penny for it.)

Jokosher: A Completely Kosher Audio Multitool
Jokosher is an audio editing application that gets the job done without
an overly stuffed toolset. It lags behind other professional-strength
audio editing packages available on the Linux platform. But what it
lacks will not be missed by audiophile tinkerers and musicians who want
to handle their own sound-mixing chores without a studio. That said,
Jokosher is a powerful, easy-to-use multi-track audio editor.

Blizzard Levels Up In-Game Sales With 'Diablo III' Auction House
Blizzard's "Diablo III" still doesn't have a confirmed release date, but
more details about the action role-playing PC game are starting to
emerge, including the announcement Monday that the game will feature an
in-game auction house using real cash for transactions between players.

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