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Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Tech News Flash

Tech News Flash: Wednesday -- July 13, 2011

TechNewsWorld -- All Tech - All The Time
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
Cough Up That Encryption Key - or Else!
Search History: Google and Germany, Part 2
ClipIt: Even a Humble Clipboard Can Benefit From Whistles and Bells
Bringing Order Out of Chaos in the Digital Universe
The Holy Grail of Application Development

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Open Source and the Democratization of IT (35:46 minutes)
How do enterprises face up to the generational shift to new and more
empowered users? How can businesses react and exploit more applications
and data resources and do so in a managed and governed fashion? We're
finding that modern, lightweight, and open source platforms that
leverage modular architectures are a new and proven resource for the
rapid and agile integration requirements.

Today's Story Highlights

Cough Up That Encryption Key - or Else!
Can the courts make you open your computer? They can certainly
confiscate your computer and search it for evidence of criminal
activity; they can compel you to open encrypted files if you're a
suspected terrorist (The Patriot Act); but if you plead the Fifth, they
may not be able to order you to fork over passwords.

Search History: Google and Germany, Part 2
Following Germany's reunification, victims and villains alike wanted to
forget the country's past. And this, for everyone, required privacy.
"I've jokingly talked about the privacy tree: It's brown and it has
green leaves," said historian Konrad H. Jarausch, referring to Nazis
(brown) and Leftists (green).

ClipIt: Even a Humble Clipboard Can Benefit From Whistles and Bells
For years, a staple tool I have relied on is a clipboard manager to keep
tabs on reusable text snippets. The Linux desktop has several noteworthy
clipboard managers. Some are much handier than others for working with
parcels of text that I can easily swap from a clipping queue to a
document or Web page form.

Bringing Order Out of Chaos in the Digital Universe
When the first EMC-sponsored study aimed at determining the size, scope
and implications of digital information growth appeared five years ago,
its authors employed restraint with the title, "The Expanding Digital
Universe." In the follow-up study two years later, "Expanding" morphed
into "Diverse and Exploding." The newest iteration stretches the guiding
concept even further with the notion of "Extracting Order from Chaos."

The Holy Grail of Application Development
This enterprise case study discussion focuses on Seagate Technology, one
of the world's largest manufacturers of rotating storage media
hard-drive disks, where the application development teams are spanning
the dev-ops divide and exploiting agile development methodologies.

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