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Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Tech News Flash

Tech News Flash: Tuesday -- June 21, 2011

TechNewsWorld -- All Tech - All The Time
Part of the ECT News Network

Headline Scan
Nokia N9: A Phone for Geeks Who Wonder What Might Have Been
LightSquared Fiddles With Dial to Cut GPS Static
Breaches Everywhere: 5 Ways to Soften the Blow When It Happens to You
Keeping the Desktop Dream Alive: Q&A With Jim Zemlin, Part 2
Fanhattan: 4 Channels Cover a Lot
Two-Headed Hacker Monster Declares Open Season on Governments

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The IT Infrastructure Renaissance (38:59 minutes)
The face of high-performance, low-cost computing is changing. In just
the past few years, the definition of what a modern IT infrastructure
needs and what it needs to do has finally come into focus. Data centers
will converge their servers, storage and network platforms for
efficiency and security. Virtualization will grow like a weed. Hybrid
and cloud models will become the norm.

Today's Story Highlights

Nokia N9: A Phone for Geeks Who Wonder What Might Have Been
Nokia has unveiled the first smartphone to run the MeeGo operating
system: the Nokia N9. This new handset is all screen -- it has no home
button. Its 3.9-inch Amoled screen is made from scratch-resistant curved
glass, and the body was precision-machined from a single piece of
polycarbonate. However, the N9's use of the MeeGo OS raises questions
about its viability.

LightSquared Fiddles With Dial to Cut GPS Static
LightSquared is moving forward with its plans to create a faster 4G
wireless network by switching airwaves after tests showed its previous
system interfered with GPS systems, the company announced Monday. The
network innovator will use spectrum controlled by satellite company
Inmarsat. "Inmarsat is operating within approximately 2 megahertz.

Breaches Everywhere: 5 Ways to Soften the Blow When It Happens to You
Is it just me, or does it seem like every day there's another breach to
worry about? RSA, Epsilon, Sony, now Citibank -- it seems like a day
doesn't go by where there isn't another high-profile breach in the news.
It seems like everyone's getting hacked, and it seems like it's
happening with increasing regularity.

Keeping the Desktop Dream Alive: Q&A With Jim Zemlin, Part 2
Where is Linux going? For Part 2 of this interview, LinuxInsider
continued speaking with Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin
to discuss Linux in a wider variety of technologies, new programs
intended to make it easier for businesses to switch to open source
computing, and open source's ability to compete in the consumer mobile

Fanhattan: 4 Channels Cover a Lot
Through its control of iOS and the App Store, Apple's made it incredibly
easy to watch professionally made movies and TV shows on the iPad.
Whether you're buying directly from Apple via iTunes or connecting
through a third-party provider like Netflix or Hulu, there's a large and
growing body of video ready to play at a moment's notice.

Two-Headed Hacker Monster Declares Open Season on Governments
Two ad hoc hacker communities often in the headlines of late -- LulzSec
and Anonymous -- announced on Monday they intend to team up to attack
government websites worldwide. In its "Operation Anti-Security"
manifesto, LulzSec said the top priority of this operation is "to steal
and leak any classified government information, including email spools
and documentation." Anonymous had on Friday tweeted its solidarity with

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